23 May 2008

The upcoming final battle

Here comes that particular time every year that probably every student like myself would dread for : The Final Exams

And i got a pretty tight schedule about it too

24th May Business Information System 1 (BIS 1)

26th May Business Economics (BE) <---- My most dreaded subject

28th May People in Organisations (PO)

2nd June Business Law (BL)

4th June Financial Accounting 1(FA 1)

7th June Business Statistics (BS)

So as u can see above its a pretty tight schedule with only few days of gaps

The only thing which probably can help is to have more group discussions since i think thats what more of my class needs. I think i would have gone today for that but didn't due to a certain someone being there. Sometimes i think its frustrating that just because of some conflict long time ago i have to miss out on some very important things

-Hanster's out-

20 May 2008

Just another random picture

seeing Amir posting a pic of the moon kinda made me do the opposite but of coz this will be probably the 1st and last time i wanna take a pic of the sun coz it can damage most cameras

Took this around 6-ish this morning when i saw this sun in a rare red colour

-Hanster's out-

15 May 2008

test shots

My phone camera actually has the capability to take macro shots so i was playing around with that got some shots like these

07 May 2008


One of the pointless things i will b talkin bout is cravings.Seriously, its not just a girl thing, even guys do have cravings(although not as obvious as the girls are). For example a guy with a strong passion for football will always want to play football no matter what,isn't that sort of a craving by itself already?

Damn can't think of anything else to write already,im sleepy n will probably spout more nonsense lol

-Hanster's out-

04 May 2008

All the courseworks done

was supposed to post this yesterday but i was too much sick to actually do it, now im feeling much better although im still effected by it so my mood isn't fully good yet

so i had my final coursework of all coursework which is an FA exam and the best thing about this.... theres 100% no need to do a balance sheet which might save most of my marks from being lost

IF it all goes well my final exam's gonna start at around 24th May

As for things that happened,i wonder if puteri managed to recover from the shock of qamarul changing his hair to a mohawk(the real one with shaved sides.unlike the ones we usually see here in brunei) which was kinda cool since i hardly know anyone who does the real mohawk and i don't see myself doing one coz i don't think it suits me haha

I may be paranoid for saying this but i think theres someone who may be holding a grudge against me. I mean i know there few ppl who bear grudges against me for the wrong reasons but i think there is another one more possible person who has that as well.Still not 100% sure on that one

-Hanster's out-