23 May 2008

The upcoming final battle

Here comes that particular time every year that probably every student like myself would dread for : The Final Exams

And i got a pretty tight schedule about it too

24th May Business Information System 1 (BIS 1)

26th May Business Economics (BE) <---- My most dreaded subject

28th May People in Organisations (PO)

2nd June Business Law (BL)

4th June Financial Accounting 1(FA 1)

7th June Business Statistics (BS)

So as u can see above its a pretty tight schedule with only few days of gaps

The only thing which probably can help is to have more group discussions since i think thats what more of my class needs. I think i would have gone today for that but didn't due to a certain someone being there. Sometimes i think its frustrating that just because of some conflict long time ago i have to miss out on some very important things

-Hanster's out-

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