03 June 2008

Another Day

Once again I'm at ITB today studyin . Can't seem to study much at home because of the negative "atmosphere" that makes it difficult to study and I can't guarantee that the exam for the subject I'm studyin for is gonna come out easy, there's bound to be tricky questions and more trickier if some ppl don't understand the grammar of English used for the question (I remember quite a number of classmates got an answer wrong because of that during one of those tests).

Yesterday we had Business Law for the exam which as usual was difficult at some point. Sometimes this subject really reminds me history for O levels where most facts are fixed because it really happened in the past and we are supposed to remember the facts, every one of them so it's important to get the correct part of the facts. Thank goodness we had tips to answer better from the unit lecturer so it was slightly easier because we know which parts to focus on. I remembered that I forgot to share these tips with the A2's because I didn't talked to them on the day and as for the A1 who didn't came on the revision day, I shared only with a few of them since I don't feel like letting everyone know (yea I will blame that sort of mentality over a pointless event a long time ago).

Also after that exam, BIS results (except for our final exam marks) were posted up for everyone to see. For me I was rather disappointed with the results of my final group assignment, and stressed too because my group is the only group to fail that assignment but at the same time I was kinda expecting it because comparing my group's work with others (mostly A2's as I was responsible for collecting their work) they did so much better than us at every question/instruction. Well, nothing to blame there since I have already seen that coming.

Well off I go then

-Hanster's out-

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